var imageWidth = $(".easyslider").width(); var imageSum = $(".image_reel img").size(); var imageReelWidth = imageWidth * imageSum; $(".image_reel").css({'width' : imageReelWidth}); rotate = function(){ var triggerID = $active.attr("rel") - 1; var image_reelPosition = triggerID * imageWidth; $(".paging a").removeClass('active'); $active.addClass('active'); $(".easytitledes").stop(true,true).slideUp('slow'); $(".easytitledes").eq( $('.paging').attr("rel") - 1 ).slideDown("slow"); $(".image_reel").animate({left: -image_reelPosition}, 400 ); }; rotateSwitch = function(){ $(".easytitledes").eq( $('.paging').attr("rel") - 1 ).slideDown("slow"); play = setInterval(function(){ $active = $('.paging').next(); if ( $active.length === 0) { $active = $('.paging a:first'); } rotate(); }, 4000); }; rotateSwitch(); $(".image_reel a, .easytitledes a").hover(function() { clearInterval(play); }, function() { rotateSwitch(); }); $(".paging a").click(function() { $active = $(this); clearInterval(play); rotate(); rotateSwitch(); return false; }); });


Centralised Cooperative with Networks All Across the Nation

Established in 2015 to revive cooperative business model in Indonesia.
By the end of 2015, Central Cooperative will connect with more than 2000
cooperatives across the nation
Business Sector :

Retail,  Micro-finance, Production, Distribution etc.
base on local business opportunities.

Gerindra’s elites and Members of Parliament are obligated to
establish at least one in their own region.
Through Garudayaksa Nusantara Cooperatives, limitless business
opportunities and chances to lift the Indonesian people wealth are created.

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